Tuesday, March 6, 2007

TNA News: TNA and NWA to part ways as soon as Sunday's PPV, titles to split off

TNA News: TNA and NWA to part ways as soon as Sunday's PPV, titles to split off:

"PWTorch has learned that TNA Wrestling and the NWA have agreed to a split of their partnership.

Bob Trobich, head of legal for the NWA, and Steve Campbell, head of legal for Panda Energy as representative of TNA, have negotiated to terminate the working agreement between the NWA and TNA. NWA will take back possession of the NWA Hvt. Title and NWA Tag Titles with a storyline to be set up at the Destination X PPV.

Jeff Jarrett has been the third party representing TNA during the negotiations to cease the working relationship.

There have been a lot of rules that the NWA has that TNA has not been following. As TNA has grown, and as the NWA name has become less of a marketing asset, a split was considered a strong possibility. TNA long ago stopped using the title 'NWA-TNA' as its name.

TNA aligned with the NWA initially because TNA founder Jerry Jarrett, Jeff's father, believed that the 'NWA' name carried credibility with the target audience for the weekly Wednesday night PPV format TNA began with. The heritage of the NWA World Title has been a marketing tool for TNA over its four-plus year history. TNA, though, did not want to abide by NWA rules such as having to notify the NWA board ahead of time when a title change was planned, use the NWA name in all marketing, and pay the NWA a fee if TNA ran an event in another NWA member's territory. For those and a variety of other reasons, an agreement to split has been reached."

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